Category: Pets

Get a Pet For Your Vet

Do you find yourself at a loss for ways to help a lonely veteran in need of companionship? We know many good-willed folks out there who want to help vets but have a very busy schedule. Thankfully, there are several creative and loving ways to lend your support to the wonderful veterans in Sarasota.

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Pets for Veterans Day

Pets for Veterans Day began with a dog named Bear. Bear was an adorable and sociable dog who knew how to interact with different veterans based on their individual needs. Whether Bear was quietly cuddling or politely playing, veterans took to Bear and asked his owner if they could take him home with them. Bear’s owner thought, “why is therapy one hour a week inside when it could be 24/7 at home?” And then pets for veterans began. October 21 is Pets for Veterans Day!

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