Category: PTSD Awareness

The Fourth of July is right around the corner, and it’s one of the most important holidays that we observe. On this day, we celebrate our freedom and honor the sacrifices made by the brave men and women who have chosen to serve. One of the best things you can do is honor their service and their legacy. There are many ways in which this can be done, and we’re happy to share some of them with you today. 

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PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) is among the most difficult conditions facing veterans who return from overseas conflicts. The potential for long-lasting mental suffering is very real and pronounced for the folks we try to help here in Sarasota.

June happens to be PTSD Awareness Month, and we’d like to devote some space to this pertinent topic, affecting veterans all throughout America.

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For millions of returning American veterans, living with PTSD is a reality that afflicts their daily lives. And contrary to what some misinformation has presented, these effects from trauma last for several years and, at times, can be a lifelong ordeal. And the issue is much larger than anyone previously conceived. Recent studies have shown that anywhere from 11 to 20 percent of returning combat veterans are afflicted with PTSD in some way. With attentiveness and professional help, veterans can recover and lead a rich, rewarding life. The VA can gladly be of service if you qualify.

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For many years, there was a strong stigma attached to mental health. This was the case when it came to veterans returning from conflicts overseas. While the phenomenon was simply dismissed as “shell shock,” it was and is a very real issue that continues to afflict the veterans of today. According to a study conducted by the VA (Veteran’s Affairs) Suicide Prevention program, approximately 20 veterans take their lives each day. Civilian practitioners of health care often don’t inquire about military service, and as a result, it becomes difficult to treat and diagnose conditions such as PTSD and depression. 

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Sometimes the mental health of veterans is very fragile after facing difficult and traumatic combat situations overseas. It’s a critical focus for us because it’s a common stumbling block for many good men and women trying to lead normal lives.

Let’s examine a few ways to better understand the mental health of veterans.

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